MPD150 is a community-based initiative challenging the narrative that police exist to protect and serve.
MPD150 is a participatory, horizontally-organized effort by local organizers, researchers, artists, and activists to shift the discussion around police and policing in Minneapolis from one of procedural reforms to one of meaningful structural change. It is not the project of any organization. We stand on the shoulders of the work that many organizations have been doing for years, and welcome the support of everyone who agrees with our approach. We hope that the process we are developing will help organizers in other cities establish practical abolitionist strategies.
MPD150 sunset in 2022. Click here for a few reflections.

MPD150’s Projects:
- Researched, released, and distributed the “Enough Is Enough” report, a history and performance review of the Minneapolis Police Department, in 2017 (the 150th anniversary of MPD’s founding). Also created an expanded, abolitionist toolkit version of the report in 2020, including the original report, plus handouts, zines, comics, poetry, curriculum, an oral history of the project, and more.
- Curated the “Making It Real” art exhibit at New Rules in North Minneapolis, in 2018. The exhibit contained art inspired by, and responding to, the report, and also served as the setting for a panel discussion, an open mic, and a community dialogue.
- Coordinated and released the “Community Policing and Other Fairy Tales” comic book in 2020.
- The Abolition FAQs Zine, which Interrupting Criminalization and Project NIA expanded into “Police Abolition 101: Messages When Facing Doubts”
- The #AbolitionReadings Zine
- “The Fantasy of Community Control of the Police” Resource
- The “Copaganda: Police Trials as a State and Media Kettling Tool” Toolkit
- Our closing project, the Lupine Project!
- Engaged in various forms of political education: panel discussions, conference workshops,”coffee with an abolitionist” events, a frequently-updated Resources page, our “Abolitionist FAQs” zine, and more (all broadcast via our presence on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
- The purpose of MPD150 is to change the story of policing in Minneapolis in order to set in motion a process for dissolving the Minneapolis Police Department.
- MPD150 respects that ours is one effort and one approach among many.
- MPD150 uses research, community dialogue, creative visioning, and cultural activism, and encourages widespread community engagement and initiative.
- MPD150 employs proactive activism, seeking to move beyond reaction. We avoid entrapment in forms of action that undermine our strategy.
- We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption, and violence against activists or community members.